Screening a Candidate in vs. Screening them Out - Talent Retriever Site



What are the differences between screening in vs. screening out:

Screening out is finding every reason not to hire someone versus looking at all the things someone could bring to the table and would make them a great addition to the team. Screening in aims to include candidates who may not have all of the desired skills you’re looking for, but recognizing the value that the candidate might bring, and how they can impact a team.  

What causes someone to screen a candidate in vs. screen them out?

It can be very subconscious – many don’t realize that they are screening out. It comes back to the factors you might not be aware of, or the way they may be conditioned to think a certain way – previous bad hires. Or it may be very active. For example, there might be a very close-knit team and do not want to hire a new person in that would disrupt the dynamic of the team. Or there may be situations where there are too many people interviewing, eventually someone will find something wrong with a candidate.

Are there situations where you should screen someone out vs. screen them in?

For roles that involve someone’s safety there needs to be a baseline minimum for screening someone in. In those cases, you want to screen out everyone who might be not be at the level you are looking for.

This is also the case when there is a requirement for skills and that if the candidate does not have them, they will be set up for failure. If you are not going to be able to invest the time and resources to train them, that should be a disqualifier. There is also the need to screen out when it comes to travel and commute. If traveling is a key part of the position, and the candidate is not willing to travel, that will automatically remove them from the possibilities of the position.

When does screening out vs. in start?

It starts as soon as a candidate is presented to a hiring manager. It can come down to if they don’t like the font on a resume, the format of it. When they meet them in person, if they don’t like their appearance or what they are wearing. None of which indicate if someone can do their job.

How can you actively screen someone in vs. out?

You have to look at attributes and traits and then train skills. What have they done in the past that is transferable. A big key is to realize that you cannot expect the person coming into the role to have the same experience as the person in the role for five years who just left. They are not the same profile. Instead you want to look at their potential and the things that can’t be trained. If someone isn’t outgoing that isn’t going to change.


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