How to Cold Call the Right Way in Recruiting
Growth Strategy Management Mission Success Concept
How to Recruit Summer Interns
It’s that time of year once again. Drumroll please…. It’s time to start thinking about hiring summer interns. As students begin to think or (stress) over their upcoming finals and rejoice over the incoming warm weather, you need to be determining how to attract these young budding professionals and bring them in to your company.
Hiring Salespeople: Introverts over Extroverts? Or is there a middle ground?
What should hiring managers be looking for in the personality of a salesperson? Someone who is outgoing that will talk-it-up with anyone and everyone and not take “No!” for an answer? Maybe, since this type of “extroverted” personality is probably what comes to mind when you think “salesperson”. Extroverts are the best sales performers, right? They have the confidence to pick up the phone, walk up to anyone, start a conversation and just go for it, correct? They speak louder, with loads of animation and enthusiasm. They inspire confidence in prospects and clients. Extroverts can make the smallest amount of small talk interesting. Clearly, extroverts dominate when it comes to sales, and they are the type of people that you should be looking for when hiring a salesperson. Before your head falls off from all of the nodding, you might want to think again about how effective “extroverts” really are at sales. Are you missing something by taking only this into consideration?
Preventing Your Candidate from Accepting a Counteroffer
You did it! You nailed down the perfect candidate. You have extended the offer and have a verbal acceptance from your newest hire. Go you! But hold on — just when you thought it was over. There it is- a counteroffer. Gulp. So many thoughts swirling through the candidate’s mind. Second guessing begins and takes over. Is my current situation actually that bad? Is this change really worth it? They’ll begin reminiscing about all those good times with their boss and colleagues…. The reality of fear of change quickly follows. Uh-oh.
How to Keep a Candidate in Your Network for Years
It’s not a radical idea, but providing a high quality experience for a candidate is an extremely important part of the recruiting process — and one that can be easily overlooked. A high quality experience can mean the difference between building rapport and a relationship with a candidate or never hearing from them again. Poof – gone forever.